Get started right from your browser: execute scraping requests, both JS and non-JS, submitting the form below.
Quick examples: HackerNews basic    Forbidden country bypass    Linkedin Job Posting    Zillow Property results    POST JSON    Click & dump JSON    Website metadata
Hint: {{ note }}
Advanced. Can be used to dump sub-request. See airlines scraper example. Use with caution: bad URL mask will result in timeouts because scraper will be waiting for the AJAX call until the timeout, and won't be able to dump required data! Explore .info.catchedAjax of the ScrapeNinja response to retrieve the dumped request. This is a global handler, you can also specify XHR request catcher per-step (see "Interact with page" sectin below).
Note: V2 engine is currently in beta. The following features are not supported in v2:
  • AJAX request catching
  • Page interactions (clicks, form filling)
  • HTTP methods other than GET
Advanced. Interact with page: fill in forms, and click links!
  Activate if the action triggers page redirect.
Catched XHR response body will be available within .info.log events array from the returned ScrapeNinja response (find this particular event by filtering let xhr = => e.type == 'xhr' && e.stepIdx == {{idx+1}})).
New Step [+]
Read more about premium ScrapeNinja proxies. You can also specify your own proxy in the input above.
Wait for DOM selector to appear
Wait for specified amount of seconds after page load (from 1 to 12s). Use this only if ScrapeNinja failed to wait for required page elements automatically.

Examples of valid payloads:

  • JSON payload: {\"fefe\":\"few\"}
  • www-encoded payload: key1=val1&key2=val2
Add Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded to headers in case of www-encoded POST and Content-Type: application/json
Develop your extractor function in realtime in dedicated sandbox
JS function to extract data from scraped HTML/JSON. Function accepts raw input string as a first argument, Cheerio HTML parser instance as a second argument. You don't have to use Cheerio if you don't need it, you can just use regex to get data if you prefer, see Letterbox rating example extractor. Quick Starter for Cheerio extractor:
function (input, cheerio) {
  let $ = cheerio.load(input);
  return { title: $('#title').text().trim() }

Grab extracted results from .extractor json property of ScrapeNinja response. Leave empty to parse everything on your side.

Raw ScrapeNinja Response:

Latency: {{ responseLatency }}ms HTTP Status: {{ }}
Submit the form to scrape the URL.
{{ responseBodyFormatted }}


Click to open full size in a new tab.

Unescaped target website response

Access it in your code via responseJson.body property. Use {{cmdKey}}+F for a quick search in the response body. Copy&paste this body to Cheerio Sandbox to develop your extractor.

Quick video overview of the sandbox:

Code Generator

Use the generated code below to run the requests to ScrapeNinja API from your own server.


Launching the scraper in your own Node.js environment:

Step 1. Create project folder, initialize empty npm project, and install node-fetch

mkdir your-project-folder && \
  cd "$_" && \
  npm i -g create-esnext && \
  npm init esnext && \
  npm i node-fetch -y

Step 2. Copy&paste the code above

Create new empty file like scraper.js and paste the code to this file.

Step 3. Launch

node ./scraper.js


Launching the scraper in your own Python environment:

Step 1. Create project folder, setup venv virtual environment

mkdir your-project-folder && \
  cd "$_" && \
  python3 -m venv venv && \
  source venv/bin/activate

Step 2: Install requests library in your virtual environment

python3 -m pip install requests

Step 3. Copy&paste the code above

Create new empty file like and paste the code to this file.

Step 4. Launch

python3 ./


Running the cURL Command:

Sandbox FAQ

What is the ScrapeNinja Sandbox?

The ScrapeNinja Live Sandbox is an online tool designed to swiftly test the scraping capabilities of a specific target website using the ScrapeNinja Scraping API. It eliminates the need for coding or setting up a local environment. Our goal in creating the Sandbox was to simplify the process of exploring how to scrape a specific website, test various proxy countries for that target, and later bootstrap your project faster with the code generation feature provided by the Sandbox.

Is the ScrapeNinja Sandbox a paid service?

While the ScrapeNinja API operates on a subscription model, offering both free and paid plans, the ScrapeNinja Sandbox is currently available for free. This allows you to fully test its capabilities without any subscription. We hope you find the Sandbox a valuable tool for exploring the ScrapeNinja API.